


The concept StraightSkeletonBuilder_2_Visitor describes the requirements of the visitor class required by the algorithm class Straight_skeleton_builder_2<Gt,Ss,Visitor> in its third template parameter.


A constant handle to a straight skeleton halfedge.

A constant handle to a straight skeleton vertex.



void v.on_contour_edge_entered ( Halfedge_const_handle const&) const
Called for each contour halfedge added to the skeleton).
void v.on_initialization_started ( std::size_t number_of_vertices) const
Called before the initialization stage (when initial events are discovered) is started.
v.on_contour_vertex_processed ( Vertex_const_handle const& v,
bool is_reflex,
bool is_degenerate)
Called after the events for contour vertex v have been discovered. is_reflex is true if this vertex has an internal angle >PI, or is_degenerate is true if the internal angle is =PI.
v.on_edge_event_created ( Vertex_const_handle const& node0,
Vertex_const_handle const& node1)
Called after an edge event for nodes node0 and node1 has been discovered and put on the queue for later processing.
void v.on_split_event_created ( Vertex_const_handle const& node) const
Called after a slipt event for node node has been discovered and put on the queue for later processing.
v.on_pseudo_split_event_created ( Vertex_const_handle const& node0,
Vertex_const_handle const& node1)
Called after a pseudo slipt event for nodes node0 and node1 has been discovered and put on the queue for later processing.
void v.on_initialization_finished () const
Called after all initial events have been discovered.
void v.on_propagation_started () const Called before the propagation stage (when events are poped off the queue and processed) is started.
v.on_anihiliation_event_processed ( Vertex_const_handle const& node0,
Vertex_const_handle const& node1)
Called after an anhiliation event for nodes node0 and node1 has been processed. A new skeleton edge between these nodes has been added.
v.on_edge_event_processed ( Vertex_const_handle const& seed0,
Vertex_const_handle const& seed1,
Vertex_const_handle const& newnode)
Called after an edge for nodes seed0 and seed1 has been processed. Skeleton vertex newnode and edges from node0 to newnode and node1 to newnode has been added.
v.on_split_event_processed ( Vertex_const_handle const& seed,
Vertex_const_handle const& newnode0,
Vertex_const_handle const& newnode1)
Called after a split event for node seed has been processed. Skeleton vertices newnode0 and newnode1 have been added. An skeleton edge from seed to newnode0 has been added. In the final skeleton, newnode1 is removed and only newnode0 remains.
v.on_pseudo_split_event_processed ( Vertex_const_handle const& seed0,
Vertex_const_handle const& seed1,
Vertex_const_handle const& newnode0,
Vertex_const_handle const& newnode1)
Called after a pseudo split event for nodes seed0 and seed1 has been processed. Skeleton vertices newnode0 and newnode1 have been added. Skeleton edges from seed0 to newnode0 and seed1 to newnode1 has been added.
void v.on_vertex_processed ( Vertex_const_handle const& v) const
Called after vertex v has been marked as already processed.
void v.on_propagation_finished () const
Called after all events have been processed.
void v.on_cleanup_started () const Called when the skeleton clean up (when multiple nodes are merged) is started.
void v.on_cleanup_finished () const Called when clean up finished.
void v.on_algorithm_finished ( bool finished_ok) const
Called when the algorithm terminated. finished_ok is false if it terminated before completion or the resulting skeleton was found to be invalid.
void v.on_error ( char const* msg) const
Called whenever an error was detected. msg is whatever error message accompanies the error. This pointer can be null.

Has Models


See Also
