Note : this class is deprecated since Cgal 3.6. The class CGAL::Regular_triangulation_euclidean_traits_3 should be used instead. Filtered predicates are automatically used if the boolean Has_filtered_predicates in the kernel provided as template parameter of that class is set to true.
The class Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_3<FK> is designed as a traits class for the class Regular_triangulation_3<RegularTriangulationTraits_3,TriangulationDataStructure_3>. Its difference with Regular_triangulation_euclidean_traits_3 is that it provides filtered predicates which are meant to be fast and exact.
The first argument FK must be a model of the Kernel concept, and it is also restricted to be a instance of the Filtered_kernel template.
#include <CGAL/Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_3.h>