CGAL 5.0.2 - 2D Triangulation
#include <CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_2.h>
CGAL::Triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >.
The class Delaunay_triangulation_2
is designed to represent the Delaunay triangulation of a set of points in a plane.
A Delaunay triangulation of a set of points is a triangulation of the sets of points that fulfills the following empty circle property (also called Delaunay property): the circumscribing circle of any facet of the triangulation contains no point of the set in its interior. For a point set with no case of co-circularity of more than three points, the Delaunay triangulation is unique, it is the dual of the Voronoi diagram of the points.
Tds | must be a model of TriangulationDataStructure_2 . CGAL provides a default instantiation for this parameter, which is the class CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2 < CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_2<Traits>, CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_2<Traits> > . |
Traits | must be a model of DelaunayTriangulationTraits_2 . The concept DelaunayTriangulationTraits_2 refines the concept TriangulationTraits_2 , providing a predicate type to check the empty circle property. |
Changing this predicate type allows the user to build Delaunay triangulations for different metrics such that L_1 or L_{\infty} or any metric defined by a convex object. However, the user of an exotic metric must be careful that the constructed triangulation has to be a triangulation of the convex hull which means that convex hull edges have to be Delaunay edges. This is granted for any smooth convex metric (like L_2) and can be ensured for other metrics (like L_{\infty}) by the addition to the point set of well chosen sentinel points. The concept of DelaunayTriangulationTraits_2
is described DelaunayTriangulationTraits_2.
When dealing with a large triangulations, the user is advised to encapsulate the Delaunay triangulation class into a triangulation hierarchy, which means to use the class Triangulation_hierarchy_2<Tr>
with the template parameter instantiated with Delaunay_triangulation_2
. The triangulation hierarchy will then offer the same functionalities but be much more for efficient for locations and insertions.
All the types defined in Triangulation_2<Traits,Tds>
are inherited.
Insertion is implemented by inserting in the triangulation, then performing a sequence of Delaunay flips. The number of flips is O(d) if the new vertex is of degree d in the new triangulation. For points distributed uniformly at random, insertion takes time O(1) on average.
Removal calls the removal in the triangulation and then re-triangulates the hole in such a way that the Delaunay criterion is satisfied. Removal of a vertex of degree d takes time O(d^2). The degree d is O(1) for a random vertex in the triangulation.
After a point location step, the nearest neighbor is found in time O(n) in the worst case, but in time O(1) for vertices distributed uniformly at random and any query point.
Creation | |
Delaunay_triangulation_2 (const Traits >=Traits()) | |
default constructor. | |
Delaunay_triangulation_2 (const Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds > &tr) | |
copy constructor. More... | |
template<class InputIterator > | |
Delaunay_triangulation_2 (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Traits gt=Traits()) | |
Equivalent to constructing an empty triangulation with the optional traits class argument and calling insert(first,last). | |
Insertion and Removal | |
The following insertion and removal functions overwrite the functions inherited from the class In the degenerate case when there are co-circular points, the Delaunay triangulation is known not to be uniquely defined. In this case, CGAL chooses a particular Delaunay triangulation using a symbolic perturbation scheme [2]. Note that the other modifier functions of | |
Vertex_handle | insert (const Point &p, Face_handle f=Face_handle()) |
inserts point p . More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert (const Point &p, Locate_type <, Face_handle loc, int li) |
inserts a point p at the location given by (lt,loc,li) . More... | |
Vertex_handle | push_back (const Point &p) |
equivalent to insert(p) . | |
template<class PointInputIterator > | |
std::ptrdiff_t | insert (PointInputIterator first, PointInputIterator last) |
inserts the points in the range [first,last) . More... | |
template<class PointWithInfoInputIterator > | |
std::ptrdiff_t | insert (PointWithInfoInputIterator first, PointWithInfoInputIterator last) |
inserts the points in the iterator range [first,last) . More... | |
void | remove (Vertex_handle v) |
removes the vertex from the triangulation. | |
Displacement | |
Vertex_handle | move_if_no_collision (Vertex_handle v, const Point &p) |
if there is not already another vertex placed on p , the triangulation is modified such that the new position of vertex v is p , and v is returned. More... | |
Vertex_handle | move (Vertex_handle v, const Point &p) |
same as move_if_no_collision() , if there is no collision. More... | |
Queries | |
Vertex_handle | nearest_vertex (const Point &p, Face_handle f=Face_handle()) const |
returns any nearest vertex of p . More... | |
template<class OutputItFaces , class OutputItBoundaryEdges > | |
std::pair< OutputItFaces, OutputItBoundaryEdges > | get_conflicts_and_boundary (const Point &p, OutputItFaces fit, OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, Face_handle start) const |
outputs the faces and boundary edges of the conflict zone of point p into output iterators. More... | |
template<class OutputItFaces > | |
OutputItFaces | get_conflicts (const Point &p, OutputItFaces fit, Face_handle start) const |
outputs the faces of the conflict zone of point p into an output iterator. More... | |
template<class OutputItBoundaryEdges > | |
OutputItBoundaryEdges | get_boundary_of_conflicts (const Point &p, OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, Face_handle start) const |
outputs the boundary edges of the conflict zone of point p into an output iterator. More... | |
Voronoi Diagram | |
The following member functions provide the elements of the dual Voronoi diagram. | |
Point | dual (const Face_handle &f) const |
Returns the center of the circle circumscribed to face f . More... | |
Object | dual (const Edge &e) const |
returns a segment, a ray or a line supported by the bisector of the endpoints of e . More... | |
Object | dual (const Edge_circulator &ec) const |
Idem. | |
Object | dual (const Edge_iterator &ei) const |
Idem. | |
template<class Stream > | |
Stream & | draw_dual (Stream &ps) |
output the dual Voronoi diagram to stream ps . | |
Predicates | |
Oriented_side | side_of_oriented_circle (Face_handle f, const Point &p) const |
Returns the side of p with respect to the circle circumscribing the triangle associated with f . | |
Miscellaneous | |
The checking function | |
bool | is_valid (bool verbose=false, int level=0) const |
tests the validity of the triangulation as a Triangulation_2 and additionally tests the Delaunay property. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
specifies which case occurs when locating a point in the triangulation. More... | |
typedef Tds::Vertex_handle | Vertex_handle |
handle to a vertex. | |
typedef Tds::Face_handle | Face_handle |
handle to a face. | |
typedef Tds::Face_iterator | All_faces_iterator |
iterator over all faces. | |
typedef Tds::Edge_iterator | All_edges_iterator |
iterator over all edges. | |
typedef Tds::Vertex_iterator | All_vertices_iterator |
iterator over all vertices. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Finite_faces_iterator |
iterator over finite faces. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Finite_edges_iterator |
iterator over finite edges. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Finite_vertices_iterator |
iterator over finite vertices. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Point_iterator |
iterator over the points corresponding the finite vertices of the triangulation. | |
typedef Iterator_range< unspecified_type > | All_face_handles |
range type for iterating over all faces (including infinite faces), with a nested type iterator that has as value type Face_handle | |
typedef Iterator_range< All_edges_iterator > | All_edges |
range type for iterating over all edges (including infinite ones). | |
typedef Iterator_range< unspecified_type > | All_vertex_handles |
range type for iterating over all vertices (including the infinite vertex), with a nested type iterator that has as value type Vertex_handle | |
typedef Iterator_range< unspecified_type > | Finite_face_handles |
range type for iterating over finite faces, with a nested type iterator that has as value type Face_handle | |
typedef Iterator_range< Finite_edges_iterator > | Finite_edges |
range type for iterating over finite edges. | |
typedef Iterator_range< unspecified_type > | Finite_vertex_handles |
range type for iterating over finite vertices, with a nested type iterator that has as value type Vertex_handle | |
typedef Iterator_range< Point_iterator > | Points |
range type for iterating over the points of the finite vertices. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Line_face_circulator |
circulator over all faces intersected by a line. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Face_circulator |
circulator over all faces incident to a given vertex. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Edge_circulator |
circulator over all edges incident to a given vertex. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Vertex_circulator |
circulator over all vertices incident to a given vertex. | |
typedef Traits | Geom_traits |
the traits class. | |
typedef Tds | Triangulation_data_structure |
the triangulation data structure type. | |
typedef Traits::Point_2 | Point |
the point type. | |
typedef Traits::Segment_2 | Segment |
the segment type. | |
typedef Traits::Triangle_2 | Triangle |
the triangle type. | |
typedef Tds::Vertex | Vertex |
the vertex type. | |
typedef Tds::Face | Face |
the face type. | |
typedef Tds::Edge | Edge |
the edge type. | |
typedef Tds::size_type | size_type |
Size type (an unsigned integral type). | |
typedef Tds::difference_type | difference_type |
Difference type (a signed integral type). | |
![]() | |
Triangulation_2 (const Traits >=Traits()) | |
Introduces an empty triangulation. | |
Triangulation_2 (const Triangulation_2 &tr) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
template<class InputIterator > | |
Triangulation_2 (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Traits >=Traits()) | |
Equivalent to constructing an empty triangulation with the optional traits class argument and calling insert(first,last). | |
Triangulation_2 | operator= (const Triangulation_2< Traits, Tds > &tr) |
Assignment. More... | |
void | swap (Triangulation_2 &tr) |
The triangulations tr and *this are swapped. More... | |
void | clear () |
Deletes all faces and finite vertices resulting in an empty triangulation. | |
int | dimension () const |
Returns the dimension of the convex hull. | |
size_type | number_of_vertices () const |
Returns the number of finite vertices. | |
size_type | number_of_faces () const |
Returns the number of finite faces. | |
Face_handle | infinite_face () const |
a face incident to the infinite vertex. | |
Vertex_handle | infinite_vertex () const |
the infinite vertex. | |
Vertex_handle | finite_vertex () const |
a vertex distinct from the infinite vertex. | |
const Geom_traits & | geom_traits () const |
Returns a const reference to the triangulation traits object. | |
const TriangulationDataStructure_2 & | tds () const |
Returns a const reference to the triangulation data structure. | |
TriangulationDataStructure_2 & | tds () |
Returns a reference to the triangulation data structure. | |
bool | is_infinite (Vertex_handle v) const |
true iff v is the infinite vertex. | |
bool | is_infinite (Face_handle f) const |
true iff face f is infinite. | |
bool | is_infinite (Face_handle f, int i) const |
true iff edge (f,i) is infinite. | |
bool | is_infinite (Edge e) const |
true iff edge e is infinite. | |
bool | is_infinite (Edge_circulator ec) const |
true iff edge *ec is infinite. | |
bool | is_infinite (All_edges_iterator ei) const |
true iff edge *ei is infinite. | |
bool | is_edge (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) |
true if there is an edge having va and vb as vertices. | |
bool | is_edge (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb, Face_handle &fr, int &i) |
as above. More... | |
bool | includes_edge (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb, Vertex_handle &vbr, Face_handle &fr, int &i) |
true if the line segment from va to vb includes an edge e incident to va . More... | |
bool | is_face (Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2, Vertex_handle v3) |
true if there is a face having v1 , v2 and v3 as vertices. | |
bool | is_face (Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2, Vertex_handle v3, Face_handle &fr) |
as above. More... | |
Face_handle | locate (const Point &query, Face_handle f=Face_handle()) const |
If the point query lies inside the convex hull of the points, a face that contains the query in its interior or on its boundary is returned. More... | |
Face_handle | inexact_locate (const Point &query, Face_handle start=Face_handle()) const |
Same as locate() but uses inexact predicates. More... | |
Face_handle | locate (const Point &query, Locate_type <, int &li, Face_handle h=Face_handle()) const |
Same as above. More... | |
Oriented_side | oriented_side (Face_handle f, const Point &p) const |
Returns on which side of the oriented boundary of f lies the point p . More... | |
Oriented_side | side_of_oriented_circle (Face_handle f, const Point &p) |
Returns on which side of the circumcircle of face f lies the point p . More... | |
void | flip (Face_handle f, int i) |
Exchanges the edge incident to f and f->neighbor(i) with the other diagonal of the quadrilateral formed by f and f->neighbor(i) . More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert (const Point &p, Face_handle f=Face_handle()) |
Inserts point p in the triangulation and returns the corresponding vertex. More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li) |
Same as above except that the location of the point p to be inserted is assumed to be given by (lt,loc,i) (see the description of the locate method above.) | |
Vertex_handle | push_back (const Point &p) |
Equivalent to insert(p) . | |
template<class PointInputIterator > | |
std::ptrdiff_t | insert (PointInputIterator first, PointInputIterator last) |
Inserts the points in the range [first,last) in the given order, and returns the number of inserted points. More... | |
template<class PointWithInfoInputIterator > | |
std::ptrdiff_t | insert (PointWithInfoInputIterator first, PointWithInfoInputIterator last) |
inserts the points in the iterator range [first,last) in the given order, and returns the number of inserted points. More... | |
void | remove (Vertex_handle v) |
Removes the vertex from the triangulation. More... | |
Vertex_handle | move_if_no_collision (Vertex_handle v, const Point &p) |
If there is not already another vertex placed on p , the triangulation is modified such that the new position of vertex v is p , and v is returned. More... | |
Vertex_handle | move (Vertex_handle v, const Point &p) |
If there is no collision during the move, this function is the same as move_if_no_collision . More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert_first (const Point &p) |
Inserts the first finite vertex . | |
Vertex_handle | insert_second (const Point &p) |
Inserts the second finite vertex . | |
Vertex_handle | insert_in_face (const Point &p, Face_handle f) |
Inserts vertex v in face f . More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert_in_edge (const Point &p, Face_handle f, int i) |
Inserts vertex v in edge i of f . More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert_outside_convex_hull (const Point &p, Face_handle f) |
Inserts a point which is outside the convex hull but in the affine hull. More... | |
Vertex_handle | insert_outside_affine_hull (const Point &p) |
Inserts a point which is outside the affine hull. | |
void | remove_degree_3 (Vertex_handle v) |
Removes a vertex of degree three. More... | |
void | remove_second (Vertex_handle v) |
Removes the before last finite vertex. | |
void | remove_first (Vertex_handle v) |
Removes the last finite vertex. | |
template<class EdgeIt > | |
Vertex_handle | star_hole (Point p, EdgeIt edge_begin, EdgeIt edge_end) |
creates a new vertex v and use it to star the hole whose boundary is described by the sequence of edges [edge_begin, edge_end) . More... | |
template<class EdgeIt , class FaceIt > | |
Vertex_handle | star_hole (Point p, EdgeIt edge_begin, EdgeIt edge_end, FaceIt face_begin, FaceIt face_end) |
same as above, except that the algorithm first recycles faces in the sequence [face_begin, face_end) and create new ones only when the sequence is exhausted. More... | |
Finite_vertices_iterator | finite_vertices_begin () const |
Starts at an arbitrary finite vertex. | |
Finite_vertices_iterator | finite_vertices_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
Finite_edges_iterator | finite_edges_begin () const |
Starts at an arbitrary finite edge. | |
Finite_edges_iterator | finite_edges_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
Finite_faces_iterator | finite_faces_begin () const |
Starts at an arbitrary finite face. | |
Finite_faces_iterator | finite_faces_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
Point_iterator | points_begin () const |
Point_iterator | points_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
Finite_vertex_handles | finite_vertex_handles () const |
returns a range of iterators over finite vertices. More... | |
Finite_edges | finite_edges () const |
returns a range of iterators over finite edges. | |
Finite_face_handles | finite_face_handles () const |
returns a range of iterators over finite faces. More... | |
Points | points () const |
returns a range of iterators over the points of finite vertices. | |
All_vertices_iterator | all_vertices_begin () const |
Starts at an arbitrary vertex. | |
All_vertices_iterator | all_vertices_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
All_edges_iterator | all_edges_begin () const |
Starts at an arbitrary edge. | |
All_edges_iterator | all_edges_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
All_faces_iterator | all_faces_begin () const |
Starts at an arbitrary face. | |
All_faces_iterator | all_faces_end () const |
Past-the-end iterator. | |
All_vertex_handles | all_vertex_handles () const |
returns a range of iterators over all vertices. More... | |
All_edges | all_edges () const |
returns a range of iterators over all edges. | |
All_face_handles | all_face_handles () const |
returns a range of iterators over all faces. More... | |
Line_face_circulator | line_walk (const Point &p, const Point &q, Face_handle f=Face_handle()) const |
This function returns a circulator that allows to visit the faces intersected by the line pq . More... | |
Face_circulator | incident_faces (Vertex_handle v) const |
Starts at an arbitrary face incident to v . | |
Face_circulator | incident_faces (Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f) const |
Starts at face f . More... | |
Edge_circulator | incident_edges (Vertex_handle v) const |
Starts at an arbitrary edge incident to v . | |
Edge_circulator | incident_edges (Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f) const |
Starts at the first edge of f incident to v , in counterclockwise order around v . More... | |
Vertex_circulator | incident_vertices (Vertex_handle v) const |
Starts at an arbitrary vertex incident to v . | |
Vertex_circulator | incident_vertices (Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f) |
Starts at the first vertex of f adjacent to v in counterclockwise order around v . More... | |
Vertex_handle | mirror_vertex (Face_handle f, int i) const |
returns the vertex of the i^{th} neighbor of f that is opposite to f . More... | |
int | mirror_index (Face_handle f, int i) const |
returns the index of f in its i^{th} neighbor. More... | |
Edge | mirror_edge (Edge e) const |
returns the same edge seen from the other adjacent face. More... | |
int | ccw (int i) const |
Returns i+1 modulo 3. More... | |
int | cw (int i) const |
Returns i+2 modulo 3. More... | |
Triangle | triangle (Face_handle f) const |
Returns the triangle formed by the three vertices of f . More... | |
Segment | segment (Face_handle f, int i) const |
Returns the line segment formed by the vertices ccw(i) and cw(i) of face f . More... | |
Segment | segment (const Edge &e) const |
Returns the line segment corresponding to edge e . More... | |
Segment | segment (const Edge_circulator &ec) const |
Returns the line segment corresponding to edge *ec . More... | |
Segment | segment (const Edge_iterator &ei) const |
Returns the line segment corresponding to edge *ei . More... | |
Point | circumcenter (Face_handle f) const |
Compute the circumcenter of the face pointed to by f. More... | |
void | set_infinite_vertex (const Vertex_handle &v) |
This is an advanced function. More... | |
bool | is_valid (bool verbose=false, int level=0) const |
Checks the combinatorial validity of the triangulation and also the validity of its geometric embedding. More... | |
![]() | |
Triangulation_cw_ccw_2 () | |
default constructor. | |
int | ccw (const int i) const |
returns the index of the neighbor or vertex that is next to the neighbor or vertex with index i in counterclockwise order around a face. | |
int | cw (const int i) const |
returns the index of the neighbor or vertex that is next to the neighbor or vertex with index i in counterclockwise order around a face. | |
![]() | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, const Triangulation_2< Traits, Tds > &T) |
Inserts the triangulation into the stream os . More... | |
istream & | operator>> (istream &is, const Triangulation_2< Traits, Tds > &T) |
Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation. More... | |
CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::Delaunay_triangulation_2 | ( | const Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds > & | tr | ) |
copy constructor.
All the vertices and faces are duplicated.
Point CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::dual | ( | const Face_handle & | f | ) | const |
Returns the center of the circle circumscribed to face f
is not infinite. Object CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::dual | ( | const Edge & | e | ) | const |
returns a segment, a ray or a line supported by the bisector of the endpoints of e
If faces incident to e
are both finite, a segment whose endpoints are the duals of each incident face is returned. If only one incident face is finite, a ray whose endpoint is the dual of the finite incident face is returned. Otherwise both incident faces are infinite and the bisector line is returned.
OutputItBoundaryEdges CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::get_boundary_of_conflicts | ( | const Point & | p, |
OutputItBoundaryEdges | eit, | ||
Face_handle | start | ||
) | const |
outputs the boundary edges of the conflict zone of point p
into an output iterator.
This function outputs in the container pointed to by eit
, the boundary of the zone in conflict with p
. The boundary edges of the conflict zone are output in counterclockwise order and each edge is described through the incident face which is not in conflict with p
. The function returns the resulting output iterator.
OutputItBoundaryEdges | is an output iterator with Edge as value type. |
OutputItFaces CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::get_conflicts | ( | const Point & | p, |
OutputItFaces | fit, | ||
Face_handle | start | ||
) | const |
outputs the faces of the conflict zone of point p
into an output iterator.
same as get_conflicts_and_boundary()
except that only the faces in conflict with p
are output. The function returns the resulting output iterator.
. std::pair<OutputItFaces,OutputItBoundaryEdges> CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::get_conflicts_and_boundary | ( | const Point & | p, |
OutputItFaces | fit, | ||
OutputItBoundaryEdges | eit, | ||
Face_handle | start | ||
) | const |
outputs the faces and boundary edges of the conflict zone of point p
into output iterators.
This function outputs in the container pointed to by fit
the faces which are in conflict with point p
, i. e., the faces whose circumcircle contains p
. It outputs in the container pointed to by eit
the the boundary of the zone in conflict with p
. The boundary edges of the conflict zone are output in counter-clockwise order and each edge is described through its incident face which is not in conflict with p
. The function returns in a std::pair
the resulting output iterators.
OutItFaces | is an output iterator with Face_handle as value type. |
OutItBoundaryEdges | is an output iterator with Edge as value type. |
. Vertex_handle CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::insert | ( | const Point & | p, |
Face_handle | f = Face_handle() |
) |
inserts point p
If point p
coincides with an already existing vertex, this vertex is returned and the triangulation is not updated. Optional parameter f
is used to initialize the location of p
Vertex_handle CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::insert | ( | const Point & | p, |
Locate_type & | lt, | ||
Face_handle | loc, | ||
int | li | ||
) |
inserts a point p
at the location given by (lt,loc,li)
std::ptrdiff_t CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::insert | ( | PointInputIterator | first, |
PointInputIterator | last | ||
) |
inserts the points in the range [first,last)
Returns the number of inserted points. Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the points following the order of PointInputIterator
, as spatial_sort()
is used to improve efficiency.
PointInputIterator | must be an input iterator with the value type Point . |
std::ptrdiff_t CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::insert | ( | PointWithInfoInputIterator | first, |
PointWithInfoInputIterator | last | ||
) |
inserts the points in the iterator range [first,last)
Returns the number of inserted points. Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the points following the order of PointWithInfoInputIterator
, as spatial_sort()
is used to improve efficiency. Given a pair (p,i)
, the vertex v
storing p
also stores i
, that is v.point() == p
and == i
. If several pairs have the same point, only one vertex is created, and one of the objects of type Vertex::Info
will be stored in the vertex.
must be model of the concept TriangulationVertexBaseWithInfo_2
.PointWithInfoInputIterator | must be an input iterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Vertex::Info> . |
bool CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::is_valid | ( | bool | verbose = false , |
int | level = 0 |
) | const |
tests the validity of the triangulation as a Triangulation_2
and additionally tests the Delaunay property.
This method is mainly useful for debugging Delaunay triangulation algorithms designed by the user.
Vertex_handle CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::move | ( | Vertex_handle | v, |
const Point & | p | ||
) |
same as move_if_no_collision()
, if there is no collision.
Otherwise, v
is deleted and the vertex placed on p
is returned.
must be finite. Vertex_handle CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::move_if_no_collision | ( | Vertex_handle | v, |
const Point & | p | ||
) |
if there is not already another vertex placed on p
, the triangulation is modified such that the new position of vertex v
is p
, and v
is returned.
Otherwise, the triangulation is not modified and the vertex at point p
is returned.
must be finite. Vertex_handle CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Traits, Tds >::nearest_vertex | ( | const Point & | p, |
Face_handle | f = Face_handle() |
) | const |
returns any nearest vertex of p
The implemented function begins with a location step and f
may be used to initialize the location.