CGAL 5.5.5 - Polygon Mesh Processing
CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection.h>


template<class TriangleMesh, class VertexPointMap = Default, class Kernel = Default, class AABBTree = Default, class Has_rotation = CGAL::Tag_true>
class CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation >

This class provides methods to perform some intersection tests between triangle meshes that undergo affine transformations (rotation, translation, and scaling).

Meshes are added to an internal set and are referenced using an id assigned when added to the set. Note that the exact predicate framework applies on the meshes after having applied the transformation to the coordinates of the points of the vertices of each mesh.

Template Parameters
TriangleMesha model of HalfedgeListGraph and FaceListGraph
VertexPointMapa model of ReadablePropertyMap with the vertex descriptor of TriangleMesh as key type, and a point from a CGAL Kernel as value type. Default is the internal point property map of TriangleMesh if it exists.
Kernela model of CGAL Kernel. Default is the kernel of the value type of VertexPointMap retrieved using Kernel_traits.
AABBTreean AABB_tree that can containing faces of TriangleMesh. Default is using AABB_traits with AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive as primitive type.
Has_rotationtag indicating whether the transformations applied to meshes may contain rotations (Tag_true) or if only translations and scalings are applied (Tag_false). Some optimizations are switch on in case there are no rotations.

Public Types

typedef unspecified_type AABB_tree
 The AABB_tree type representing the triangles of each input mesh.
typedef unspecified_type Vertex_point_map
 The vertex point map type used with TriangleMesh
typedef boost::property_traits< Vertex_point_map >::value_type Point_3
 Point type.

Public Member Functions

 Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection (const Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection &)=default
 Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection (Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection &&other)
 move constructor
Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detectionoperator= (Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection &other)=default
Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detectionoperator= (Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection &&other)
 move assignment operator
template<class NamedParameters = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
std::size_t add_mesh (const TriangleMesh &tm, const NamedParameters &np=parameters::default_values())
 adds mesh tm to the set of meshes to be considered for intersection. More...
template<class NamedParameters = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
std::size_t add_mesh (const AABB_tree &tree, const TriangleMesh &tm, const NamedParameters &np=parameters::default_values())
 adds an instance of a triangulated surface mesh using an external tree of its faces. More...
void set_transformation (std::size_t mesh_id, const Aff_transformation_3< K > &aff_trans)
 sets the transformation associated to a mesh identified by its id in the set.
template<class MeshIdRange >
std::vector< std::size_t > get_all_intersections (std::size_t mesh_id, const MeshIdRange &ids) const
 returns a vector of the ids of meshes within ids that have at least a face intersecting a face of the mesh with id mesh_id. More...
std::vector< std::size_t > get_all_intersections (std::size_t mesh_id) const
 returns a vector of the ids of meshes in the set that have at least a face intersecting a face of the mesh with id mesh_id
template<class MeshIdRange >
std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, bool > > get_all_intersections_and_inclusions (std::size_t mesh_id, const MeshIdRange &ids) const
 returns a vector of the ids of meshes within ids that are intersecting with the mesh with id mesh_id, considering volume inclusions for closed meshes. More...
std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, bool > > get_all_intersections_and_inclusions (std::size_t mesh_id) const
 returns a vector of the ids of meshes in the set that are intersecting with the mesh with id mesh_id, considering volume inclusions for closed meshes. More...

Memory Management

void reserve (std::size_t size)
 increases the capacity of data structures used internally, size being the number of meshes expected to be added.
void remove_mesh (std::size_t mesh_id)
 removes the mesh with id mesh_id from the set, the indices of other meshes are kept unchanged.
std::size_t size () const
 returns the number of meshes in the set

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_mesh() [1/2]

template<class TriangleMesh , class VertexPointMap = Default, class Kernel = Default, class AABBTree = Default, class Has_rotation = CGAL::Tag_true>
template<class NamedParameters = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
std::size_t CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation >::add_mesh ( const TriangleMesh &  tm,
const NamedParameters &  np = parameters::default_values() 

adds mesh tm to the set of meshes to be considered for intersection.

Template Parameters
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
the id of tm used to refer to that mesh.
tmtriangulated surface mesh to add
npan optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating points to the vertices of tm
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and Point_3 as value type
  • Default: boost::get(CGAL::vertex_point, tm)
  • Extra: If this parameter is omitted, an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t should be available for the vertices of tm.

  • a property map associating to each face of tm a unique index between 0 and num_faces(tm) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map

  • If false, tm is assumed to have only one connected component, avoiding the extraction of connected components.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

◆ add_mesh() [2/2]

template<class TriangleMesh , class VertexPointMap = Default, class Kernel = Default, class AABBTree = Default, class Has_rotation = CGAL::Tag_true>
template<class NamedParameters = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
std::size_t CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation >::add_mesh ( const AABB_tree tree,
const TriangleMesh &  tm,
const NamedParameters &  np = parameters::default_values() 

adds an instance of a triangulated surface mesh using an external tree of its faces.

The tree is not copied and the lifetime of tree must be longer than that of this class.
Template Parameters
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
the id of tm used to refer to that mesh.
treean AABB-tree of faces of a mesh
tmtriangulated surface mesh
npan optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating points to the vertices of tm
  • Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and Point_3 as value type
  • Default: boost::get(CGAL::vertex_point, tm)
  • Extra: If this parameter is omitted, an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t should be available for the vertices of tm.

  • a property map associating to each face of tm a unique index between 0 and num_faces(tm) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map

  • If false, tm is assumed to have only one connected component, avoiding the extraction of connected components
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

◆ get_all_intersections()

template<class TriangleMesh , class VertexPointMap = Default, class Kernel = Default, class AABBTree = Default, class Has_rotation = CGAL::Tag_true>
template<class MeshIdRange >
std::vector<std::size_t> CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation >::get_all_intersections ( std::size_t  mesh_id,
const MeshIdRange &  ids 
) const

returns a vector of the ids of meshes within ids that have at least a face intersecting a face of the mesh with id mesh_id.

If mesh_id is in ids it is not reported.

Template Parameters
MeshIdRangea range of ids convertible to std::size_t.

◆ get_all_intersections_and_inclusions() [1/2]

template<class TriangleMesh , class VertexPointMap = Default, class Kernel = Default, class AABBTree = Default, class Has_rotation = CGAL::Tag_true>
template<class MeshIdRange >
std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, bool> > CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation >::get_all_intersections_and_inclusions ( std::size_t  mesh_id,
const MeshIdRange &  ids 
) const

returns a vector of the ids of meshes within ids that are intersecting with the mesh with id mesh_id, considering volume inclusions for closed meshes.

More precisely, if at least one face of a mesh with id i intersects a face of the mesh with id mesh_id, the pair (i, false) is put in the output vector. If there is no face intersection, but at least one of the meshes with ids i and mesh_id is closed, and at least one connected component is included in the bounded volume defined by a closed mesh then the pair (i, true) is put in the output vector (independently of mesh i or mesh_id being the one including the other). The inclusion test is done using Side_of_triangle_mesh, in particular surface orientation is ignored and only the nesting level of connected components defines a bounded volume. If a mesh has some self-intersection the inclusion test may return incorrect results. If mesh_id is in ids it is not reported.

Template Parameters
MeshIdRangea range of ids convertible to std::size_t.
If a mesh is made of several connected components and at least one component is not closed, then no inclusion test will be made even if some components are closed.

◆ get_all_intersections_and_inclusions() [2/2]

template<class TriangleMesh , class VertexPointMap = Default, class Kernel = Default, class AABBTree = Default, class Has_rotation = CGAL::Tag_true>
std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, bool> > CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Kernel, AABBTree, Has_rotation >::get_all_intersections_and_inclusions ( std::size_t  mesh_id) const

returns a vector of the ids of meshes in the set that are intersecting with the mesh with id mesh_id, considering volume inclusions for closed meshes.

See the previous overload for details.