CGAL 5.5.5 - dD Triangulations
dD Triangulations Reference

Olivier Devillers, Samuel Hornus, and Clément Jamin
This package provides classes for manipulating triangulations (pure simplicial complexes) in Euclidean spaces whose dimension can be specified at compile-time or at run-time. Specifically, it provides a data structure to store the triangulations, and two classes to handle triangulations and Delaunay triangulations of point sets. Point location and point insertion are supported. The Delaunay triangulation also supports point removal.
Introduced in: CGAL 4.6
BibTeX: cgal:hdj-t-24b
License: GPL

A triangulation is a pure manifold simplicial complex. Its faces are simplices such that two of them either do not intersect or share a common face.

The triangulation classes of CGAL are designed to represent triangulations of a set of points \( A\) in \( \mathbb{R}^d\). It can be viewed as a partition of the convex hull of \( A\) into simplices whose vertices are the points of \( A\).

See the User Manual for more details.

Classified Reference Pages


Triangulation Data Structure


The latter two concepts are also abbreviated respectively as TrVertex and TrFullCell.


Triangulation Data Structure

(Geometric) Triangulations

Traits Classes



 Triangulation Classes
 Traits Classes
 Vertex, Face and Cell Classes