CGAL 5.6.1 - Shape Detection
▼NCGAL | |
▼NShape_detection | |
▼NPoint_set | |
CK_neighbor_query | K nearest neighbors search in a set of 2D or 3D points |
CLeast_squares_circle_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares circle fit applied to 2D points |
CLeast_squares_circle_fit_sorting | Sorting of 2D points with respect to the local circle fit quality |
CLeast_squares_cylinder_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares cylinder fit applied to 3D points |
CLeast_squares_cylinder_fit_sorting | Sorting of 3D points with respect to the local cylinder fit quality |
CLeast_squares_line_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares line fit applied to 2D points |
CLeast_squares_line_fit_sorting | Sorting of 2D points with respect to the local line fit quality |
CLeast_squares_plane_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares plane fit applied to 3D points |
CLeast_squares_plane_fit_sorting | Sorting of 3D points with respect to the local plane fit quality |
CLeast_squares_sphere_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares sphere fit applied to 3D points |
CLeast_squares_sphere_fit_sorting | Sorting of 3D points with respect to the local sphere fit quality |
CSphere_neighbor_query | Fuzzy sphere neighbors search in a set of 2D or 3D points |
▼NPolygon_mesh | |
CLeast_squares_plane_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares plane fit applied to faces of a polygon mesh |
CLeast_squares_plane_fit_sorting | Sorting of polygon mesh faces with respect to the local plane fit quality |
COne_ring_neighbor_query | Edge-adjacent faces connectivity in a polygon mesh |
CPolyline_graph | Polygon mesh edges connected into a graph |
▼NSegment_set | |
CLeast_squares_line_fit_region | Region type based on the quality of the least squares line fit applied to a segment set |
CLeast_squares_line_fit_sorting | Sorting of segments with respect to the local line fit quality |
CCone | Cone implements Shape_base |
CCylinder | Cylinder implements Shape_base |
▼CEfficient_RANSAC | Shape detection algorithm based on the RANSAC method |
CParameters | Parameters for the shape detection algorithm |
CEfficient_RANSAC_traits | Default traits class for the CGAL::Shape_detection::Efficient_RANSAC |
CPlane | Plane implements Shape_base |
CPlane_map | Property map that associates a detected plane object CGAL::Shape_detection::Plane to a CGAL::Plane_3 object |
CPoint_to_shape_index_map | Property map that associates a point index to its assigned shape found by the CGAL::Shape_detection::Efficient_RANSAC algorithm |
CRegion_growing | Main class/entry point for running the region growing algorithm |
CShape_base | Base class for shape types that defines an interface to construct a shape from a set of points and to compute the point distance and normal deviation from the surface normal |
CSphere | Sphere implements Shape_base |
CTorus | Torus implements Shape_base |
CEfficientRANSACTraits | A concept that describes the set of types required by the CGAL::Shape_detection::Efficient_RANSAC and all RANSAC shape classes |
CNeighborQuery | A concept that describes the set of methods used by the CGAL::Shape_detection::Region_growing to access neighbors of an item |
CRegionType | A concept that describes the set of methods used by the CGAL::Shape_detection::Region_growing to maintain a region |