CGAL 6.0.1 - Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
No Matches
CGAL::Surface_mesh_simplification::Edge_profile< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, GeomTraits > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh_simplification/Policies/Edge_collapse/Edge_profile.h>


template<typename TriangleMesh, typename VertexPointMap, typename GeomTraits>
class CGAL::Surface_mesh_simplification::Edge_profile< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, GeomTraits >

The class Edge_profile regroups useful information about an edge, such as its incident vertices and faces.

Its purpose is to pass this information onto the chosen models of GetCost and GetPlacement, and as such an object of this type appears as a parameter in the operator() of both concepts.

The template parameters of this class must be consistent with the types used in the main call to edge_collapse(): if you have specified a vertex point map or a geometric traits (via CGAL::parameters::vertex_point_map() and CGAL::parameters::geom_traits() respectively), then the template parameters must be identical.

Note however that if you wish to define your own models of the GetCost or GetPlacement concepts, you can simply template the call to operator() by an "EdgeProfile" template parameter, which will avoid having to explicit the template parameters of the Edge_profile class: indeed, the profile appears as an argument of the operator() functions of these two concepts and automatic template deduction can therefore be used.

Template Parameters
TriangleMeshis the type of surface mesh being simplified
VertexPointMapis the type of the map that associates geometric positions to vertices of the mesh. If you have specified a vertex point map in the named parameters in the call to edge_collapse(), it must the same map type. Otherwise, you need not specify this template parameter and it will be automatically deduced.
GeomTraitsis the type of the kernel that is used to perform predicates and constructions on geometric objects. If you have specified a traits class in the named parameters in the call to edge_collapse(), it must be the same traits class type. Otherwise, you need not specify this template parameter and it will be automatically deduced.
See also


typedef TriangleMesh Triangle_mesh
 The type of the surface mesh to simplify.
typedef VertexPointMap Vertex_point_map
 The type of a property map that maps vertices on points.
typedef GeomTraits Geom_traits
 The type of a kernel-like objects used for predicates and constructions.
typedef boost::graph_traits< TriangleMesh >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor
 A BGL vertex descriptor representing a vertex of the surface mesh.
typedef boost::graph_traits< TriangleMesh >::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor
 A BGL halfedge descriptor representing a halfedge of the surface mesh.
typedef boost::graph_traits< TriangleMesh >::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor
 A BGL edge descriptor representing an edge of the surface mesh.
typedef boost::graph_traits< TriangleMesh >::edges_size_type edges_size_type
 The unsigned integer type used for representing the number of edges in the graph.
typedef boost::property_traits< VertexPointMap >::value_type Point
 The point type for the surface mesh vertex.
typedef GeomTraits::FT FT
 The coordinate type of points.

Access Functions

vertex_descriptor v0 () const
 One of vertices of the edge to be collapsed.
vertex_descriptor v1 () const
 The other vertex of the edge to be collapsed.
halfedge_descriptor v0_v1 () const
 One of the directed edges corresponding to the halfedge being collapsed.
halfedge_descriptor v1_v0 () const
 The other directed edge corresponding to the halfedge being collapsed.
const Pointp0 () const
 The point of vertex v0.
const Pointp1 () const
 The point of vertex v1.
vertex_descriptor vL () const
 If v0v1 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the third vertex of that triangular face, a null descriptor otherwise.
halfedge_descriptor v1_vL () const
 If v0v1 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from v1 to vL, a null descriptor otherwise.
halfedge_descriptor vL_v0 () const
 If v0v1 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from vL to v0, a null descriptor otherwise.
vertex_descriptor vR () const
 If v1v0 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the third vertex of that triangular face, a null descriptor otherwise.
halfedge_descriptor v0_vR () const
 If v1v0 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from v0 to vR, a null descriptor otherwise.
halfedge_descriptor vR_v1 () const
 If v1v0 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from vR to v1, a null descriptor otherwise.
std::vector< vertex_descriptorlink () const
 The unique sequence of the vertices around v0v1 in topological order (ccw or cw depending on the relative ordering of v0 and v1 in the profile).
std::vector< halfedge_descriptorborder_edges () const
 The unique collection of the border directed edges incident upon v0 and v1.
bool left_face_exists () const
 Indicates if v0v1 belongs to a finite face of the surface mesh (i.e, v0v1 is not a border edge).
bool right_face_exists () const
 Indicates if v0v1 belongs to a finite face of the surface mesh (i.e, v1v0 is not a border edge).
const Triangle_meshsurface_mesh () const
 Returns the surface mesh the edge belongs to.
const Vertex_point_mapvertex_point_map () const
 Returns the vertex point property map.
const Geom_traitsgeom_traits () const
 Returns the geometric traits class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ link()

template<typename TriangleMesh , typename VertexPointMap , typename GeomTraits >
std::vector< vertex_descriptor > CGAL::Surface_mesh_simplification::Edge_profile< TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, GeomTraits >::link ( ) const

The unique sequence of the vertices around v0v1 in topological order (ccw or cw depending on the relative ordering of v0 and v1 in the profile).

The sequence may have duplicates, but when this happens the edge is not collapsible.