class | CGAL::Cartesian< FieldNumberType > |
| A model for Kernel that uses Cartesian coordinates to represent the geometric objects. More...
class | CGAL::Filtered_kernel_adaptor< CK > |
| Filtered_kernel_adaptor is a kernel that uses a filtering technique to obtain a kernel with exact and efficient predicate functors. More...
class | CGAL::Filtered_kernel< CK > |
| Filtered_kernel is a kernel that uses a filtering technique based on interval arithmetic from to achieve exact and efficient predicates. More...
class | CGAL::Filtered_predicate< EP, FP, C2E, C2F > |
| Filtered_predicate is an adaptor for predicate function objects that allows one to produce efficient and exact predicates. More...
class | CGAL::Homogeneous< RingNumberType > |
| A model for a Kernel using homogeneous coordinates to represent the geometric objects. More...
class | CGAL::Kernel_traits< T > |
| The class Kernel_traits provides access to the kernel model to which the argument type T belongs. More...
class | CGAL::Projection_traits_xy_3< K > |
| The class Projection_traits_xy_3 is an adapter to apply 2D algorithms to the projections of 3D data on the xy -plane. More...
class | CGAL::Projection_traits_xz_3< K > |
| The class Projection_traits_xz_3 is an adapter to apply 2D algorithms to the projections of 3D data on the xz -plane. More...
class | CGAL::Projection_traits_yz_3< K > |
| The class Projection_traits_yz_3 is an adapter to apply 2D algorithms to the projections of 3D data on the yz -plane. More...
class | CGAL::Simple_cartesian< FieldNumberType > |
| A model for a Kernel using Cartesian coordinates to represent the geometric objects. More...
class | CGAL::Simple_homogeneous< RingNumberType > |
| A model for a Kernel using homogeneous coordinates to represent the geometric objects. More...