RT | get_hx (const Point_3 &p) const |
| returns the homogeneous \( x\)-coordinate of point \( p\).
RT | get_hy (const Point_3 &p) const |
| returns the homogeneous \( y\)-coordinate of point \( p\).
RT | get_hz (const Point_3 &p) const |
| returns the homogeneous \( z\)-coordinate of point \( p\).
RT | get_hw (const Point_3 &p) const |
| returns the homogenizing coordinate of point \( p\).
void | get_point_coordinates (const Point_3 &p, RT &px, RT &py, RT &pz, RT &ph) const |
| returns all homogeneous coordinates of point \( p\) at once.
RT | get_a (const Plane_3 &f) const |
| returns the first coefficient of plane \( f\).
RT | get_b (const Plane_3 &f) const |
| returns the second coefficient of plane \( f\).
RT | get_c (const Plane_3 &f) const |
| returns the third coefficient of plane \( f\).
RT | get_d (const Plane_3 &f) const |
| returns the fourth coefficient of plane \( f\).
void | get_plane_coefficients (const Plane_3 &f, RT &a, RT &b, RT &c, RT &d) const |
| returns all four plane coefficients of \( f\) at once.
Point_3 | make_point (const RT &hx, const RT &hy, const RT &hz, const RT &hw) const |
| returns a point of type Point_3 with homogeneous coordinates \( hx\), \( hy\), \( hz\) and \( hw\).
Plane_3 | make_plane (const RT &a, const RT &b, const RT &c, const RT &d) const |
| returns a plane of type Plane_3 whose coefficients are \( a\), \( b\), \( c\) and \( d\).
Vector | make_vector (const RT &a, const RT &b, const RT &c) const |
| returns a vector of type Vector_3 with the four coefficients \( a\), \( b\), \( c\) and 1.