typedef unspecified_type | Construct_point_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructPoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_weighted_point_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructWeightedPoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_direction_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructDirection_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_plane_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructPlane_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_iso_cuboid_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructIsoCuboid_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_line_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructLine_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_ray_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructRay_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_sphere_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructSphere_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_segment_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructSegment_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_triangle_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructTriangle_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_tetrahedron_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructTetrahedron_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_circle_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructCircle_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_object_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructObject_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_scaled_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructScaledVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_translated_point_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructTranslatedPoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_point_on_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructPointOn_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_projected_point_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructProjectedPoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_lifted_point_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructLiftedPoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructCartesianConstIterator_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_vertex_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructVertex_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_source_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructSource_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_target_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructTarget_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_max_vertex_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructMaxVertex_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_min_vertex_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructMinVertex_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_bbox_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructBbox_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_supporting_plane_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructSupportingPlane_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_orthogonal_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOrthogonalVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_base_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructBaseVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_difference_of_vectors_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructDifferenceOfVectors_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_sum_of_vectors_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructSumOfVectors_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_divided_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructDividedVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_normal_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructNormal_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_perpendicular_plane_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularPlane_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_radical_plane_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructRadicalPlane_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_perpendicular_line_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularLine_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_midpoint_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructMidpoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_center_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructCenter_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_centroid_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructCentroid_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_circumcenter_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructCircumcenter_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_weighted_circumcenter_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructWeightedCircumcenter_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_bisector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructBisector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_cross_product_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructCrossProductVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_barycenter_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructBarycenter_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_second_point_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructSecondPoint_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_direction_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeDirection_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_segment_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeSegment_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_ray_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeRay_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_line_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeLine_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_plane_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositePlane_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_sphere_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeSphere_3
typedef unspecified_type | Construct_opposite_vector_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeVector_3
typedef unspecified_type | Intersect_3 |
| a model of Kernel::Intersect_3
typedef unspecified_type | Assign_3 |
| a model of Kernel::Assign_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_weight_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeWeight_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_x_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeX_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_y_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeY_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_z_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeZ_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_a_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeA_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_b_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeB_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_c_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeC_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_d_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeD_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_hx_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeHx_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_hy_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeHy_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_hz_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeHz_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_hw_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeHw_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_L_infinity_distance_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeLInfinityDistance_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_dx_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeDx_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_dy_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeDy_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_dz_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeDz_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_xmax_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeXmax_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_xmin_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeXmin_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_ymax_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeYmax_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_ymin_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeYmin_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_zmax_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeZmax_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_zmin_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeZmin_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_area_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeArea_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_squared_area_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredArea_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_area_divided_by_pi_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeAreaDividedByPi_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_approximate_area_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeApproximateArea_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_approximate_angle_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeApproximateAngle_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_approximate_dihedral_angle_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeApproximateDihedralAngle_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_determinant_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeDeterminant_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_scalar_product_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeScalarProduct_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_squared_distance_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredDistance_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_squared_length_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredLength_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_squared_length_divided_by_pi_square_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredLengthDividedByPiSquare_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_approximate_squared_length_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeApproximateSquaredLength_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_squared_radius_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredRadius_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_volume_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeVolume_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_power_product_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputePowerProduct_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_power_distance_to_power_sphere_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputePowerDistanceToPowerSphere_3
typedef unspecified_type | Compute_squared_radius_smallest_orthogonal_sphere_3 |
| a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredRadiusSmallestOrthogonalSphere_3