CGAL 6.0.1 - CGAL Ipelets
No Matches
CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <CGAL/CGAL_Ipelet_base.h>


template<typename Kernel, typename int nbf>
class CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >

Ipelet_base is an abstract base class for defining an ipelet.

The only function that needs to be defined in a derived class is protected_run(int i) that contains the code of an ipelet. Note that the name of the function suggests that the ipelet may throw exceptions that will be caught by a function of the class Ipelet_base avoiding Ipe to crash.

Template Parameters
Kerneldetermines the kernel that will be used in the ipelet. This parameter must be set according to the algorithm to be used. The integer nbf indicates the number of functions defined by the ipelet.


The set of read objects is defined as the set of objects of type Ipelet_base::Point_2, Ipelet_base::Segment_2, Ipelet_base::Polygon_2, Ipelet_base::Circular_arc_2 or Ipelet_base::Circle_2.

The set of drawable objects is defined as the super set of the set of read objects also including objects of type Ipelet_base::Line_2, Ipelet_base::Ray_2, Ipelet_base::Triangle_2 and Ipelet_base::Iso_rectangle_2.

typedef Kernel Kernel
 The kernel used to define internal types.
typedef Kernel::FT FT
 The number type of the coordinates.
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point_2
 The point type.
typedef Kernel::Circle_2 Circle_2
 The circle type.
typedef CGAL::tuple< Circle_2, Point_2, Point_2, CGAL::SignCircular_arc_2
 The circular arc type.
typedef CGAL::Weighted_point< Point, FTWeighted_point_2
 The weighted point type.
typedef Kernel::Segment_2 Segment_2
 The segment type.
typedef Kernel::Line_2 Line_2
 The line type.
typedef Kernel::Ray_2 Ray_2
 The ray type.
typedef Kernel::Triangle_2 Triangle_2
 The triangle type.
typedef CGAL::Polygon_2< KernelPolygon_2
 The polygon type.
typedef Kernel::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2
 A type to represent bounding boxes.
template<class OutputIterator >
 Class type providing operators to extract points from segments and polygons.
template<class OutputIterator >
 Class type providing operators to extract segments from polygons.


 CGAL_ipelet (const std::string fct_names[], const std::string help_msg[], const std::string name)
 initializes an ipelet.

Access Functions

IpePage * get_ipe_page ()
 This is an advanced function.
IpeletHelper * get_ipelet_helper ()
 This is an advanced function.


void show_help (bool one_per_func=true)
 Prints in Ipe a pop-up help message constructed from the string array of the constructor.
void print_error_message (std::string msg)
 Prints the string msg as a message in Ipe.
void protected_run (int i)=0
 function called when the user selects the CGAL ipelet.
template<class V , class O >
Iso_rectangle_2 read_active_objects (Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator< V, O > out, bool deselect_all=true, bool delete_selected_objects=false)
 This function assigns to output iterator out all handled objects selected in Ipe.
template<class OutputIterator >
boost::function_output_iterator< Point_grabber< OutputIterator > > point_grabber (OutputIterator it)
 returns an output iterator which wraps it.
template<class OutputIterator >
boost::function_output_iterator< Segment_grabber< OutputIterator > > segment_grabber (OutputIterator it)
 returns an output iterator which wraps it.
template<class T >
void draw_in_ipe (const T &object, bool deselect=false)
 This function draws in the page of Ipe a given object.
template<class T >
void draw_in_ipe (const T &object, const Iso_rectangle_2 &bbox, bool deselect=false)
 Same as above, except that objects are clipped to bbox before been drawn.
template<class Iterator >
void draw_in_ipe (Iterator begin, Iterator end, bool makegrp=true, bool deselectall=false)
 This function draws in the page of Ipe a set of objects given by an iterator range.
template<class Iterator >
void draw_in_ipe (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const Iso_rectangle_2 &bbox, bool makegrp=true, bool deselectall=false)
 Same as above, except that objects are clipped to bbox before been drawn.
template<class iterator >
void draw_polyline_in_ipe (iterator first, iterator last, bool setclose=false, bool deselect=false)
 This function draws in the page of Ipe a polyline defined by an iterator range of points.
template<class Triangulation >
void draw_dual_in_ipe (Triangulation T, const Iso_rectangle_2 &bbox, bool makegrp=true, bool deselect=false)
 This function draws in the page of Ipe the dual of a 2D CGAL triangulation.
template<class Triangulation >
void draw_skeleton_in_ipe (Triangulation T, const Iso_rectangle_2 &bbox, bool makegrp=true, bool deselect=false)
 This function draws in the page of Ipe the Voronoi segment skeleton from a triangulation of segments.
template<class T >
std::pair< int, T > request_value_from_user (std::string msg)
 This function induces the creation of a dialog box requesting a value from the user.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Circular_arc_2

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
typedef CGAL::tuple<Circle_2,Point_2,Point_2,CGAL::Sign> CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::Circular_arc_2

The circular arc type.

The CGAL::Sign, equals either to CGAL::COUNTERCLOCKWISE or CGAL::CLOCKWISE, indicates if the arc is the set of points on the circle from the first point to the second point turning clockwise or counterclockwise.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CGAL_ipelet()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::CGAL_ipelet ( const std::string  fct_names[],
const std::string  help_msg[],
const std::string  name 

initializes an ipelet.

The string name is the name given to the ipelet in the Ipe menu. The string array fct_names contains the names of these functions as they will appear in the sub-menu of the ipelet. The string array help_msg of size one or nbf-1 contains a help message for each function of the ipelet. These help messages can be printed using the member function show_help(). This function expects that the last function defined in the ipelet is dedicated to print the help message. It is advised that the last function defined is dedicated to show a help message.

◆ draw_dual_in_ipe()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class Triangulation >
void CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::draw_dual_in_ipe ( Triangulation  T,
const Iso_rectangle_2 bbox,
bool  makegrp = true,
bool  deselect = false 

This function draws in the page of Ipe the dual of a 2D CGAL triangulation.

The edges of the dual are restricted to the interior of bbox. If the boolean makegrp is set to true, segments drawn define a group in Ipe. If the boolean deselect is set to true, segments drawn are deselected.

◆ draw_in_ipe() [1/2]

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class T >
void CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::draw_in_ipe ( const T &  object,
bool  deselect = false 

This function draws in the page of Ipe a given object.

T must be a type inside the set of drawable objects. When object is of type Line_2 or Ray_2, only the part of the object that is inside the page of Ipe (if not empty) is drawn. This function is also able to draw a 2D CGAL triangulation as a group of segments. If the boolean deselect is set to true, object drawn is deselected.

◆ draw_in_ipe() [2/2]

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class Iterator >
void CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::draw_in_ipe ( Iterator  begin,
Iterator  end,
bool  makegrp = true,
bool  deselectall = false 

This function draws in the page of Ipe a set of objects given by an iterator range.

These objects must be of a type inside the set of drawable objects. If the boolean makegrp is set to true, objects drawn define a group in Ipe. If the boolean deselectall is set to true, objects drawn are deselected.

◆ draw_polyline_in_ipe()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class iterator >
void CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::draw_polyline_in_ipe ( iterator  first,
iterator  last,
bool  setclose = false,
bool  deselect = false 

This function draws in the page of Ipe a polyline defined by an iterator range of points.

If the boolean setclose is true, the polyline drawn is closed. If the boolean deselect is set to true, polyline drawn is deselected.

◆ draw_skeleton_in_ipe()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class Triangulation >
void CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::draw_skeleton_in_ipe ( Triangulation  T,
const Iso_rectangle_2 bbox,
bool  makegrp = true,
bool  deselect = false 

This function draws in the page of Ipe the Voronoi segment skeleton from a triangulation of segments.

The edges are restricted to the interior of bbox. If the boolean makegrp is set to true, segments drawn define a group in Ipe. If the boolean deselect is set to true, segments drawn are deselected.

◆ get_ipe_page()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
IpePage * CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::get_ipe_page ( )

This is an advanced function.


returns a pointer to an Ipe object representing the drawing page. Refer to the Ipe library documentation for more details.

◆ get_ipelet_helper()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
IpeletHelper * CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::get_ipelet_helper ( )

This is an advanced function.


returns a pointer to an Ipe object providing services to Ipelets. Refer to the Ipe library documentation for more details.

◆ point_grabber()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class OutputIterator >
boost::function_output_iterator< Point_grabber< OutputIterator > > CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::point_grabber ( OutputIterator  it)

returns an output iterator which wraps it.

OutputIterator must be a model of the output iterator concept accepting assignments from Point_2. The returned output iterator will accept assignments from objects of types Polygon_2 or Segment_2 or Point_2, it decomposes them in objects of type Point_2 and assigns them to it. For more details on the returned output iterator refer to the Boost library documentation.

◆ read_active_objects()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class V , class O >
Iso_rectangle_2 CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::read_active_objects ( Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator< V, O >  out,
bool  deselect_all = true,
bool  delete_selected_objects = false 

This function assigns to output iterator out all handled objects selected in Ipe.

Objects read belong to the set of read objects (even within groups). The output iterator out must be able to handle all read objects (see CGAL::Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator<V,O>). In addition, a bounding box (Iso_rectangle_2) of the active objects selected is returned. The two Boolean arguments indicate whether the retrieved objects must be deselected and/or removed. Note that non-retrieved objects (primitives of Ipe not handled or objects dropped by out) are automatically deselected, and not deleted. If a non-retrieved object is a sub-path or is inside a group, the whole path or group will not be deleted.

◆ request_value_from_user()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class T >
std::pair< int, T > CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::request_value_from_user ( std::string  msg)

This function induces the creation of a dialog box requesting a value from the user.

The string msg is printed in this dialog box. Ipe lexer tries to convert the user input into an object of type T (a simple type such as int, float, etc). If the conversion is possible, the value is returned within a std::pair. The integer of the pair returned is -1 if the user input is not correct, 0 if user input is empty and 1, otherwise. otherwise.

◆ segment_grabber()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
template<class OutputIterator >
boost::function_output_iterator< Segment_grabber< OutputIterator > > CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::segment_grabber ( OutputIterator  it)

returns an output iterator which wraps it.

OutputIterator must be a model of the output iterator concept accepting assignments from Segment_2. The returned output iterator will accept assignments from objects of types Polygon_2 or Segment_2, it decomposes them in objects of type Segment_2 and assigns them to it. For more details on the returned output iterator refer to the Boost library documentation.

◆ show_help()

template<typename Kernel , typename int nbf>
void CGAL::Ipelet_base< Kernel, nbf >::show_help ( bool  one_per_func = true)

Prints in Ipe a pop-up help message constructed from the string array of the constructor.

This function expects that the last function defined in the ipelet is dedicated to print the help message. When the boolean one_per_func is true, one help message per function is printed (except for the help function itself) using the nbf-1 strings in the array given to the constructor. Otherwise, only one help message is printed using the first string in the array given to the constructor.