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CGAL 6.0.1 - Monotone and Sorted Matrix Search
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Monotone and Sorted Matrix Search Reference

Michael Hoffmann
This package provides a matrix search framework, which is the underlying technique for the computation of all furthest neighbors for the vertices of a convex polygon, maximal k-gons inscribed into a planar point set, and computing rectangular p-centers.
Introduced in: CGAL 1.1
BibTeX: cgal:h-msms-24b
License: GPL

This chapter describes concepts, classes, and functions for monotone and sorted matrix search.

Classified Reference Pages




class  CGAL::Dynamic_matrix< M >
 The class Dynamic_matrix is an adaptor for an arbitrary matrix class M to provide the dynamic operations needed for monotone matrix search. More...
class  CGAL::Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor< F, M >
 The class Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor can be used as an adaptor to create sorted matrix search traits classes for arbitrary feasibility test and matrix classes F resp. M. More...


template<class Matrix , class RandomAccessIC , class Compare_strictly >
void CGAL::monotone_matrix_search (const Matrix &m, RandomAccessIC t, const Compare_strictly &compare_strictly=less< Matrix::Value >())
 computes the maximum (as specified by compare_strictly) entry for each row of m and writes the corresponding column to t, i.e., t[i] is set to the index of the column containing the maximum element in row i. The maximum m_r of a row r is the leftmost element for which compare_strictly (m_r,\,x) is false for all elements x in r.
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Traits >
Traits::Value CGAL::sorted_matrix_search (RandomAccessIterator f, RandomAccessIterator l, const Traits &t)
 returns the element x in one of the sorted matrices from the range [f, l), for which t.is_feasible(x) is true and, y) is true for all other y values from any matrix for which t.is_feasible(y) is true.

Function Documentation

◆ monotone_matrix_search()

template<class Matrix , class RandomAccessIC , class Compare_strictly >
void CGAL::monotone_matrix_search ( const Matrix &  m,
RandomAccessIC  t,
const Compare_strictly &  compare_strictly = less< Matrix::Value >() 

#include <CGAL/monotone_matrix_search.h>

computes the maximum (as specified by compare_strictly) entry for each row of m and writes the corresponding column to t, i.e., t[i] is set to the index of the column containing the maximum element in row i. The maximum m_r of a row r is the leftmost element for which compare_strictly (m_r,\,x) is false for all elements x in r.

The function monotone_matrix_search() computes the maxima for all rows of a totally monotone matrix.

More precisely, monotony for matrices is defined as follows.

Let K be a totally ordered set, M \in K^{(n,\, m)} a matrix over K and for 0 \le i < n:

rmax_M(i) :\in \left\{ \min_{0 \le j < m} j \: \left|\: M[i,\, j] = \max_{0 \le k < m} M[i,\, k] \right.\right\}

the (leftmost) column containing the maximum entry in row i. M is called monotone, iff

\forall\, 0 \le i_1 < i_2 < n\: :\: rmax_M(i_1) \le rmax_M(i_2)\; .

M is totally monotone, iff all of its submatrices are monotone (or equivalently: iff all 2 \times 2 submatrices are monotone).

t points to a structure of size at least m.number_of_rows()
Template Parameters
Matrixis a model of MonotoneMatrixSearchTraits.
RandomAccessICis a model of RandomAccessIterator with int as value type. If compare_strictly is defined, it is an adaptable binary function: Matrix::Value \times Matrix::Value \rightarrow bool describing a strict (non-reflexive) total ordering on Matrix::Value.
See also


The implementation uses an algorithm by Aggarwal et al.[1]. The runtime is linear in the number of rows and columns of the matrix.

◆ sorted_matrix_search()

template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Traits >
Traits::Value CGAL::sorted_matrix_search ( RandomAccessIterator  f,
RandomAccessIterator  l,
const Traits &  t 

#include <CGAL/sorted_matrix_search.h>

returns the element x in one of the sorted matrices from the range [f, l), for which t.is_feasible(x) is true and, y) is true for all other y values from any matrix for which t.is_feasible(y) is true.

The function sorted_matrix_search() selects the smallest entry in a set of sorted matrices that fulfills a certain feasibility criterion.

More exactly, a matrix M = (m_{i j}) \in S^{r \times l} (over a totally ordered set S) is sorted, iff

\begin{eqnarray*} \forall \, 1 \le i \le r,\; 1 \le j < l\; :\; m_{i j} \le m_{i (j+1)} \;\; {\it and}\\ \forall \, 1 \le i < r,\; 1 \le j \le l\; :\; m_{i j} \le m_{(i+1) j} \;\;. \end{eqnarray*}

Now let \mathcal{M} be a set of n sorted matrices over S and f be a monotone predicate on S, i.e.\

f\: :\: S \longrightarrow\, \textit{bool} \quad{\rm with}\quad f(r) \;\Longrightarrow\; \forall\, t \in S\,,\: t > r \; :\; f(t)\;.

If we assume there is any feasible element in one of the matrices in \mathcal{M}, there certainly is a smallest such element. This is the one we are searching for.

The feasibility test as well as some other parameters can (and have to) be customized through a traits class.

  1. All matrices in \left[f,\, l\right) are sorted according to Traits::compare_non_strictly.
  2. There is at least one entry x in a matrix M \in \left[f,\, l\right) for which Traits::is_feasible(x) is true.
Template Parameters
Traitsis a model for SortedMatrixSearchTraits.
RandomAccessIteratorhas Traits::Matrix as value type.


The implementation uses an algorithm by Frederickson and Johnson[2], [3] and runs in O(n \cdot k + f \cdot \log (n \cdot k)), where n is the number of input matrices, k denotes the maximal dimension of any input matrix and f the time needed for one feasibility test.

See also