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CGAL 6.0.1 - dD Spatial Searching
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
[detail level 12]
 CDistance_adapterA class that uses a point property map to adapt a distance class to work on a key as point type
 CEuclidean_distanceThe class Euclidean_distance provides an implementation of the concept OrthogonalDistance, with the Euclidean distance ( l_2 metric)
 CEuclidean_distance_sphere_pointThe class Euclidean_distance_sphere_point provides an implementation of the GeneralDistance concept for the Euclidean distance ( l_2 metric) between a d-dimensional sphere and a point, and the Euclidean distance between a d-dimensional sphere and a d-dimensional iso-rectangle defined as a k- d tree rectangle
 CFairImplements the fair splitting rule
 CFuzzy_iso_boxThe class Fuzzy_iso_box implements fuzzy d-dimensional (closed) iso boxes
 CFuzzy_sphereThe class Fuzzy_sphere implements fuzzy d-dimensional spheres
 CIncremental_neighbor_searchThe class Incremental_neighbor_search implements incremental nearest and furthest neighbor searching on a tree
 CK_neighbor_searchThe class K_neighbor_search implements approximate k-nearest and k-furthest neighbor searching using standard search on a tree using a general distance class
 CKd_treeThe class Kd_tree defines a k-d tree
 CKd_tree_nodeThe class Kd_tree_node implements a node class for a k-d tree
 CKd_tree_rectangleThe class Kd_tree_rectangle implements d-dimensional iso-rectangles and related operations, e.g., methods to compute bounding boxes of point sets
 CManhattan_distance_iso_box_pointThe class Manhattan_distance_iso_box_point provides an implementation of the GeneralDistance concept for the Manhattan distance ( l_1 metric) between a d-dimensional iso-box and a d-dimensional point and the Manhattan distance between a d-dimensional iso-box and a d-dimensional iso-box defined as a k-d tree rectangle
 CMedian_of_max_spreadImplements the median of max spread splitting rule
 CMedian_of_rectangleImplements the median of rectangle splitting rule
 CMidpoint_of_max_spreadImplements the midpoint of max spread splitting rule
 CMidpoint_of_rectangleImplements the midpoint of rectangle splitting rule
 COrthogonal_incremental_neighbor_searchThe class Orthogonal_incremental_neighbor_search implements incremental nearest and furthest neighbor searching on a tree
 COrthogonal_k_neighbor_searchThe class Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search implements approximatek-nearest and k-furthest neighbor searching on a tree using an orthogonal distance class
 CPlane_separatorThe class Plane_separator implements a plane separator, i.e., a hyperplane that is used to separate two half spaces
 CPoint_containerA custom container for points used to build a tree
 CSearch_traitsThe class Search_traits can be used as a template parameter of the kd tree and the search classes
 CSearch_traits_2The class Search_traits_2 can be used as a template parameter of the kd tree and the search classes
 CSearch_traits_3The class Search_traits_3 can be used as a template parameter of the kd tree and the search classes
 CSearch_traits_adapterThe class Search_traits_adapter can be used as a template parameter of the kd tree and the search classes
 CSearch_traits_dThe class Search_traits_d can be used as a template parameter of the kd tree and the search classes
 CSliding_fairImplements the sliding fair splitting rule
 CSliding_midpointImplements the sliding midpoint splitting rule
 CWeighted_Minkowski_distanceThe class Weighted_Minkowski_distance provides an implementation of the concept OrthogonalDistance, with a weighted Minkowski metric on d-dimensional points defined by l_p(w)(r,q)= ({\Sigma_{i=1}^{i=d} \, w_i(r_i-q_i)^p})^{1/p} for 0 < p <\infty and defined by l_{\infty}(w)(r,q)=max \{w_i |r_i-q_i| \mid 1 \leq i \leq d\}
 CFuzzyQueryItemThe concept FuzzyQueryItem describes the requirements for fuzzy d-dimensional spatial objects
 CGeneralDistanceRequirements of a distance class defining a distance between a query item denoting a spatial object and a point. To optimize distance computations transformed distances are used, e.g., for a Euclidean distance the transformed distance is the squared Euclidean distance
 COrthogonalDistanceRequirements of an orthogonal distance class supporting incremental distance updates. To optimize distance computations transformed distances are used. E.g., for a Euclidean distance the transformed distance is the squared Euclidean distance
 CRangeSearchTraitsThe concept RangeSearchTraits defines the requirements for the template parameter of the search classes. This concept also defines requirements to range search queries in a model of SpatialTree
 CSearchGeomTraits_2The concept SearchGeomTraits_2 defines the requirements for the template parameter of the search traits classes
 CSearchGeomTraits_3The concept SearchGeomTraits_3 defines the requirements for the template parameter of the search traits classes
 CSearchTraitsThe concept SearchTraits defines the requirements for the template parameter of the search classes
 CSpatialSeparatorThe concept SpatialSeparator defines the requirements for a separator
 CSpatialTreeThe concept SpatialTree defines the requirements for a tree supporting both neighbor searching and approximate range searching
 CSplitterThis is an advanced concept