concept | Angle_2 |
concept | Angle_3 |
concept | AreOrderedAlongLine_2 |
concept | AreOrderedAlongLine_3 |
concept | AreParallel_2 |
concept | AreParallel_3 |
concept | AreStrictlyOrderedAlongLine_2 |
concept | AreStrictlyOrderedAlongLine_3 |
concept | Assign_2 |
concept | Assign_3 |
concept | BoundedSide_2 |
concept | BoundedSide_3 |
concept | CartesianConstIterator_2 |
| A type representing an iterator to the Cartesian coordinates of a point in two dimensions. More...
concept | CartesianConstIterator_3 |
| A type representing an iterator to the Cartesian coordinates of a point in three dimensions. More...
concept | Circle_2 |
| A type representing circles in two dimensions. More...
concept | Circle_3 |
| A type representing circles in three dimensions. More...
concept | Collinear_2 |
concept | Collinear_3 |
concept | CollinearAreOrderedAlongLine_2 |
concept | CollinearAreOrderedAlongLine_3 |
concept | CollinearAreStrictlyOrderedAlongLine_2 |
concept | CollinearAreStrictlyOrderedAlongLine_3 |
concept | CollinearHasOn_2 |
concept | CompareAngleWithXAxis_2 |
concept | CompareDihedralAngle_3 |
concept | CompareDistance_2 |
concept | CompareDistance_3 |
concept | ComparePowerDistance_2 |
concept | ComparePowerDistance_3 |
concept | CompareSlope_2 |
concept | CompareSlope_3 |
concept | CompareSquaredDistance_2 |
concept | CompareSquaredDistance_3 |
concept | CompareSquaredRadius_3 |
concept | CompareWeightedSquaredRadius_3 |
concept | CompareX_2 |
concept | CompareX_3 |
concept | CompareXAtY_2 |
concept | CompareXY_2 |
concept | CompareXY_3 |
concept | CompareXYZ_3 |
concept | CompareY_2 |
concept | CompareY_3 |
concept | CompareYAtX_2 |
concept | CompareYX_2 |
concept | CompareZ_3 |
concept | ComputeA_2 |
concept | ComputeA_3 |
concept | ComputeApproximateArea_3 |
concept | ComputeApproximateDihedralAngle_3 |
concept | ComputeApproximateSquaredLength_3 |
concept | ComputeArea_2 |
concept | ComputeArea_3 |
concept | ComputeAreaDividedByPi_3 |
concept | ComputeB_2 |
concept | ComputeB_3 |
concept | ComputeC_2 |
concept | ComputeC_3 |
concept | ComputeD_3 |
concept | ComputeDeterminant_2 |
concept | ComputeDeterminant_3 |
concept | ComputeDx_2 |
concept | ComputeDx_3 |
concept | ComputeDy_2 |
concept | ComputeDy_3 |
concept | ComputeDz_3 |
concept | ComputeHw_2 |
concept | ComputeHw_3 |
concept | ComputeHx_2 |
concept | ComputeHx_3 |
concept | ComputeHy_2 |
concept | ComputeHy_3 |
concept | ComputeHz_3 |
concept | ComputeLInfinityDistance_2 |
concept | ComputeLInfinityDistance_3 |
concept | ComputePowerDistanceToPowerSphere_3 |
concept | ComputePowerProduct_2 |
concept | ComputePowerProduct_3 |
concept | ComputeScalarProduct_2 |
concept | ComputeScalarProduct_3 |
concept | ComputeSquaredArea_3 |
concept | ComputeSquaredDistance_2 |
concept | ComputeSquaredDistance_3 |
concept | ComputeSquaredLength_2 |
concept | ComputeSquaredLength_3 |
concept | ComputeSquaredLengthDividedByPiSquare_3 |
concept | ComputeSquaredRadius_2 |
concept | ComputeSquaredRadius_3 |
concept | ComputeSquaredRadiusSmallestOrthogonalCircle_2 |
concept | ComputeSquaredRadiusSmallestOrthogonalSphere_3 |
concept | ComputeVolume_3 |
concept | ComputeWeight_2 |
concept | ComputeWeight_3 |
concept | ComputeX_2 |
concept | ComputeX_3 |
concept | ComputeXmax_2 |
concept | ComputeXmax_3 |
concept | ComputeXmin_2 |
concept | ComputeXmin_3 |
concept | ComputeY_2 |
concept | ComputeY_3 |
concept | ComputeYAtX_2 |
concept | ComputeYmax_2 |
concept | ComputeYmax_3 |
concept | ComputeYmin_2 |
concept | ComputeYmin_3 |
concept | ComputeZ_3 |
concept | ComputeZmax_3 |
concept | ComputeZmin_3 |
concept | ConstructBarycenter_2 |
concept | ConstructBarycenter_3 |
concept | ConstructBaseVector_3 |
concept | ConstructBbox_2 |
concept | ConstructBbox_3 |
concept | ConstructBisector_2 |
concept | ConstructBisector_3 |
concept | ConstructCartesianConstIterator_2 |
concept | ConstructCartesianConstIterator_3 |
concept | ConstructCenter_2 |
concept | ConstructCenter_3 |
concept | ConstructCentroid_2 |
concept | ConstructCentroid_3 |
concept | ConstructCircle_2 |
concept | ConstructCircle_3 |
concept | ConstructCircumcenter_2 |
concept | ConstructCircumcenter_3 |
concept | ConstructCrossProductVector_3 |
concept | ConstructDifferenceOfVectors_2 |
concept | ConstructDifferenceOfVectors_3 |
concept | ConstructDirection_2 |
concept | ConstructDirection_3 |
concept | ConstructDividedVector_2 |
concept | ConstructDividedVector_3 |
concept | ConstructEquidistantLine_3 |
concept | ConstructIsoCuboid_3 |
concept | ConstructIsoRectangle_2 |
concept | ConstructLiftedPoint_3 |
concept | ConstructLine_2 |
concept | ConstructLine_3 |
concept | ConstructMaxVertex_2 |
concept | ConstructMaxVertex_3 |
concept | ConstructMidpoint_2 |
concept | ConstructMidpoint_3 |
concept | ConstructMinVertex_2 |
concept | ConstructMinVertex_3 |
concept | ConstructNormal_3 |
concept | ConstructObject_2 |
concept | ConstructObject_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositeCircle_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeDirection_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeDirection_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositeLine_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeLine_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositePlane_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositeRay_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeRay_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositeSegment_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeSegment_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositeSphere_3 |
concept | ConstructOppositeTriangle_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeVector_2 |
concept | ConstructOppositeVector_3 |
concept | ConstructOrthogonalVector_3 |
concept | ConstructPerpendicularDirection_2 |
concept | ConstructPerpendicularLine_2 |
concept | ConstructPerpendicularLine_3 |
concept | ConstructPerpendicularPlane_3 |
concept | ConstructPerpendicularVector_2 |
concept | ConstructPlane_3 |
concept | ConstructPoint_2 |
concept | ConstructPoint_3 |
concept | ConstructPointOn_2 |
concept | ConstructPointOn_3 |
concept | ConstructProjectedPoint_2 |
concept | ConstructProjectedPoint_3 |
concept | ConstructProjectedXYPoint_2 |
concept | ConstructRadicalAxis_2 |
concept | ConstructRadicalLine_2 |
concept | ConstructRadicalPlane_3 |
concept | ConstructRay_2 |
concept | ConstructRay_3 |
concept | ConstructScaledVector_2 |
concept | ConstructScaledVector_3 |
concept | ConstructSecondPoint_2 |
concept | ConstructSecondPoint_3 |
concept | ConstructSegment_2 |
concept | ConstructSegment_3 |
concept | ConstructSource_2 |
concept | ConstructSource_3 |
concept | ConstructSphere_3 |
concept | ConstructSumOfVectors_2 |
concept | ConstructSumOfVectors_3 |
concept | ConstructSupportingPlane_3 |
concept | ConstructTarget_2 |
concept | ConstructTarget_3 |
concept | ConstructTetrahedron_3 |
concept | ConstructTranslatedPoint_2 |
concept | ConstructTranslatedPoint_3 |
concept | ConstructTriangle_2 |
concept | ConstructTriangle_3 |
concept | ConstructUnitNormal_3 |
concept | ConstructVector_2 |
concept | ConstructVector_3 |
concept | ConstructVertex_2 |
concept | ConstructVertex_3 |
concept | ConstructWeightedCircumcenter_2 |
concept | ConstructWeightedCircumcenter_3 |
concept | ConstructWeightedPoint_2 |
concept | ConstructWeightedPoint_3 |
concept | Coplanar_3 |
concept | CoplanarOrientation_3 |
concept | CoplanarSideOfBoundedCircle_3 |
concept | CounterclockwiseInBetween_2 |
concept | Direction_2 |
| A type representing directions in two dimensions. More...
concept | Direction_3 |
| A type representing directions in three dimensions. More...
concept | DoIntersect_2 |
concept | DoIntersect_3 |
concept | Equal_2 |
concept | Equal_3 |
concept | EqualX_2 |
concept | EqualX_3 |
concept | EqualXY_3 |
concept | EqualY_2 |
concept | EqualY_3 |
concept | EqualZ_3 |
concept | HasOn_2 |
concept | HasOn_3 |
concept | HasOnBoundary_2 |
concept | HasOnBoundary_3 |
concept | HasOnBoundedSide_2 |
concept | HasOnBoundedSide_3 |
concept | HasOnNegativeSide_2 |
concept | HasOnNegativeSide_3 |
concept | HasOnPositiveSide_2 |
concept | HasOnPositiveSide_3 |
concept | HasOnUnboundedSide_2 |
concept | HasOnUnboundedSide_3 |
concept | Intersect_2 |
concept | Intersect_3 |
concept | IsDegenerate_2 |
concept | IsDegenerate_3 |
concept | IsHorizontal_2 |
concept | IsoCuboid_3 |
| A type representing isocuboids in three dimensions. More...
concept | IsoRectangle_2 |
| A type representing iso-rectangles in two dimensions. More...
concept | IsVertical_2 |
concept | LeftTurn_2 |
concept | LessDistanceToPoint_2 |
concept | LessDistanceToPoint_3 |
concept | LessRotateCCW_2 |
concept | LessSignedDistanceToLine_2 |
concept | LessSignedDistanceToPlane_3 |
concept | LessX_2 |
concept | LessX_3 |
concept | LessXY_2 |
concept | LessXY_3 |
concept | LessXYZ_3 |
concept | LessY_2 |
concept | LessY_3 |
concept | LessYX_2 |
concept | LessZ_3 |
concept | Line_2 |
| A type representing straight lines (and halfspaces) in two dimensions. More...
concept | Line_3 |
| A type representing straight lines in three dimensions. More...
concept | Object_2 |
| A type representing different types of objects in two dimensions. More...
concept | Object_3 |
| A type representing different types of objects in three dimensions. More...
concept | Orientation_2 |
concept | Orientation_3 |
concept | OrientedSide_2 |
concept | OrientedSide_3 |
concept | Plane_3 |
| A type representing planes (and half-spaces) in three dimensions. More...
concept | Point_2 |
| A type representing points in two dimensions. More...
concept | Point_3 |
| A type representing points in three dimensions. More...
concept | PowerSideOfBoundedPowerCircle_2 |
concept | PowerSideOfBoundedPowerSphere_3 |
concept | PowerSideOfOrientedPowerCircle_2 |
concept | PowerSideOfOrientedPowerSphere_3 |
concept | Ray_2 |
| A type representing rays in two dimensions. More...
concept | Ray_3 |
| A type representing rays in three dimensions. More...
concept | Segment_2 |
| A type representing segments in two dimensions. More...
concept | Segment_3 |
| A type representing segments in three dimensions. More...
concept | SideOfBoundedCircle_2 |
concept | SideOfBoundedSphere_3 |
concept | SideOfOrientedCircle_2 |
concept | SideOfOrientedSphere_3 |
concept | Sphere_3 |
| A type representing spheres in three dimensions. More...
concept | Tetrahedron_3 |
| A type representing tetrahedra in three dimensions. More...
concept | Triangle_2 |
| A type representing triangles in two dimensions. More...
concept | Triangle_3 |
| A type representing triangles in three dimensions. More...
concept | Vector_2 |
| A type representing vectors in two dimensions. More...
concept | Vector_3 |
| A type representing vectors in three dimensions. More...
concept | WeightedPoint_2 |
| A type representing weighted points in two dimensions. More...
concept | WeightedPoint_3 |
| A type representing weighted points in three dimensions. More...